Ansett Aviation Training
S/N: 002
ENAC FSTD Code: No. IT-084
First entry into service: 1996
Operator: Ansett Aviation Italy S.P.A.
Aircraft manufacturer: British Aerospace
Aircraft model: RJ-85/100
Sim Manufacturer:
Qualification level: FFS Level D
Location: Aeroporto Milano Malpensa snc 21019 Somma Lombardo (VA) – Italy
Type or variant of aircraft: RJ-85/100
FSTD qualification level: ENAC* FFS Level D
Primary reference document: 9625-AN/938
Visual System: CAE, Tropos 6200, 3-channels image generator; Sony VPL-GH10 LcoS
projectors, FoV 180 deg x40 deg
Motion System: Reflectone, Hydraulic, 6 DOF
Engine Fit: Lycoming LF507-1F
Instrument Fit: EFIS
ACAS fit: TCAS II (SW 7.1)
Windshear: Windshear reproduction profiles available
Additional capabilities: Steep Approach – RAAS – FMS change out (GNLU-910 or GNS-X) – Analogue or Digital Pressurization Systems change out – EFB mounting kit
Restrictions/Limitations: None
*Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile – competent Authority of the Italian Republic,
Member of European Union
*Ansett Reference: AVRO RJ